Bambu er en rapper som jeg er yderst begejstret for. Han er født og opvokset i Los Angeles med Filippinske forældre, og så er han en hamrende dygtig rapper, der altid har noget relevant at sige og nogle vigtige historier og budskaber at dele ud af. Den 8. marts, på kvindernes internationale kampdag, udgav han nummeret, "Something", hvor han sympatisere med udsatte kvinder - noget han ofte har gjort - i dette tilfælde dem, der er offer for hustruvold.
Nummeret er produceret af DJ Phatrick, der har taget Adele's ballade "Someone Like You" fra hendes album 21 og omarrangeret produktionen til en mere bar, rap-imødekommende instrumentation. Lyt og læs:
"And afterwards I'm ashamed /
House in disarray /
Afraid that if I look you in the face I might get away /
I figured this is how I'm raised, my dad did it the same /
And over time you'd be like mom and just figured this is the way /
I'm mean, BIG did it, Easy did it, Dre did it, Pun did it /
When dad did it, he just gave mom hugs and kisses and he done with it /
Fuck it, this the hood way, I don't know why you should stay /
Fuck you, leave, throw your shit in the street and come back on tuesday and /
Flip the whole house up, screaming shut your mouth up /
Me and you ain't speakin' the same dialect, we so down-up /
Up-down, we cool now, one word we stop throwing down /
I know we sound like animals to the people in the next house /
I can count on one hand, the times that it got out of hand /
But every other time you end up crying /
And damn if ain't knowin' holmes /
I think I'm looking directly at my pop and on everything that I can't figure how to.... stop"
Never mind, I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you, too
Don't forget me, I beg
I remember you say
"Sometimes it lasts in love,
But sometimes it hurts instead"
Sometimes it lasts in love
But sometimes it hurts instead
"And afterwards I'm confused, like homie this ain't you /
Breaking shit that cost me money and the point is never proved /
Instead all the furniture gets moved and all my homies rolling through, like /
"Ay come on holmes, let's go before the police come" /
Fuck you man, mind your business, brother, dip this bitch is trippin' /
Now I'm slippin', these brothers'll take a bullet for me in a minute /
And I don't listen, I'm so caught up in the moment, I'm so heatet /
I'm repeating shit I seen when I was young and promised mom I'd never be it /
There ain't no reason just the feelin' /
We dancin' along a beatin' /
Till one of us end up dead I mean, either way someone leavin' /
Or someone end up in prison /
This ain't livin' this is sick
This is exactely what my son gon' end up doing to his women /
And I /
Never thought I'd be the same /
Just forget the day you ever saw my face and learned my name /
And as we lay in bruises bleedin' through our kisses /
no position we can get in got enough feelin' to fix it /
So we end it like...."
...It isn't over...
Never mind, I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you, too
Don't forget me, I beg
I remember you say
"Sometimes it lasts in love,
But sometimes it hurts instead"
Sometimes it lasts in love
But sometimes it hurts instead
Jeg elsker virkelig Bambu for at skrive numre som dette. Jeg kender ikke mange andre, hvis nogen, der rapper om emner som hustruvold og social arv som i dette tilfælde. Hans force har altid været at kunne drage paralleller til sit eget liv, der bestemt ikke har været problemfrit. Jeg har anmeldt alle hans fuldlængdesplader, og hvis man ikke har fået læst disse eller checket op for pladerne, så synes jeg bestemt at man bør få det gjort.

"Something" vil være at finde på bonus EP'en Short Changed, der følger med til den kommende genudgivelse af ....Exact Change... albummet - jeg glæder mig sindsygt til at høre nyt fra Bambu, der i mine øjne er en af de dygtigste, mest oprigtige rappere pt.
- Jeppe Barslund
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