Bliss N Eso, der altså er en trio - lidt forvirrende, - er så underground, at de er fra Australien!
Trioen, der helt specifikt består af MC Bliss, MC Eso og DJ Izm, har for længst vippet Hilltop Hoods af pinden som Australiens cool'este rap outfit, og med deres universelle emner og tilhørende verdensmands-mentalitet er de for længst sendt ud over landets grænser som en større eksportvare.
Jeg faldt første gang over dem med deres 2008 album Flying Colours, der indeholder pragtskæringer som "Eye of the Storm" og "Bullet And A Target". Opfølgeren, 2010's Running On Air, fangede mig ikke i lige så høj grad, men der var stadig stjernestunder på.
Men! - De synes alligevel lige at de ville spørge, hvordan det kunne være, at jeg ville have "Lonely Streets" med på en 2010-opsamling? - Jeg forstod ikke helt spørgsmålet, og spurgte hvad de mente? "Lonely Streets" var jo et bonusnummer fra Running On Air? - Forkert. "Lonely Streets" var et bonusnummer fra Flying Colours, og dermed et 2008-track, - de havde bare først fået uploaded nummeret til YouTube i 2010. Satans også!!
Lad os se lidt nærmere på selve nummeret.
Hvis der er noget Bliss N Eso er gode til, så er det at anvende samples uden og choppe det til ugenkendelighed, men lade det køre i sin rene form, og så bygge trommer, bas og atmosfære rundt om det, så originalnummerets saft og kraft forbliver intakt. Det er "Lonely Streets" et fortrinligt eksempel på. Nina Simones ubetaleligt stærke vokal er beholdt på omkvædet, og de keys og strygere, der driver værket i originalen, har fået et gevaldigt boost og er ligeledes motoren på Bliss N Eso's version.
Aussierne får lyrisk assistance fra Ethic og Sapient, der sammen danner duoen Debaser, der er en del af det Amerikanske hiphop crew Sand People. Deep stuff on here people. Man kunne måske mene, at noget af det er lidt sukkersødt og måske for velment, men jeg synes de opvejer de potentielle klicheer ved at sige til folk, at de skal tage sig sammen og stoppe med at have ondt af sig selv. Istedet for at sige, at "vi skal passe på hinanden og hjælpe dem, der er i nød" som U2's Bono ville gør, siger de istedet noget i stil med "let røven, tør øjnene og stop bitching!.... og værn om hinanden og støt dem i nød". - Enjoy folkes.
I walk the lonely streets, I watch the people passing by
Every single word you hear now, is coming right from my heart, this heart of mine...
I've never felt like this before, this feeling that posesses me
I'm pure with my passion, impossible to predict /
My mind is a mention, my heart is a gift /
The world doesn't owe you shit, you owe the world everything /
From the magic on this mic to the fake diamond rings /
I create rhyme and sing, to get me where I am /
Turn your headlights on, this is heaven where I stand /
An adventure with the Sand People to push the purity /
Kindly conduct this piece beautifully /
They tell us to sit down, me people stand up /
'Cause yes, bro Eso is houdini in handcuffs /
Sunrise, moonshine, another day lives a little /
Reminder from God your money ain't shit /
And that my ideas are bulletproof, my team's in the house /
My hope can't be hung, my dreams can't be drowned /
Man makes money, money doesn't make man /
Monkey see, monkey do, this monkey's got the upper hand /
I used to watch the falling rain and listen to the sleeper say...
"Mother help me, it's happened to my brain again /
The beat blazing the flames descend /
So I become Sapient to be at peace with my monsters /
The sword from the stone, I'm the king of my genre /
Yeah, I know, I'm so robotic /
Dependant on machines to grow dope product /
Making little seeds that'll die og stem out /
Making your head north-west bound /
We've all made sacrifices like money and physical health /
But I'm not ringing the bell I'm sitching my belt up /
When the bullshit blows I've never sold my soul /
So there's a chance I won't end up in hell thus far /
But I know that things change /
And I'll convince the devil to free my soul from this instrumental /
In my homeland security overheats /
I'll be overseas smoking weed with Izm, Bliss and Eso"
I've never felt this way before, this feeling that posesses me
Yeah, I've been feeling alright, keepin' the quiet is kept to proach /
Knowing that these crews are the next to blow up /
Right, stand on my own two feet /
We touch mics and demand that you focus please /
Feeling fortunate, learning that Portland is where the hemisphere's converge /
On these coordinates, I can gorge this shit /
Yeah of course we're sick /One listen will have you worshipping porcelin /
I've been more than entriged to feed you /
The knowledge that I gained when I ate from the trees fruit /
And now I pass it along /
Become a passionate man that puts cash in his palm /
Bringing action to plans, and my back's getting strong /
Feel like Atlas and my fam is a faction relong, on the tip of your tongue /
I spit for the drums /
While Debaser's on a rampage that's only begun"I used to watch the falling rain and listen to the sleeper say...
'Cause we all ball on this ball together spinnin' so free /
I sing in the breeze but they won't stay to listen /
'Cause individually they think we don't make a difference /I sing in the breeze but they won't stay to listen /
Time to blow and break the business, put the system into spin /
I'm that midnight vagabond who's driftin' in the wind /
Who just listens with a grin through chaos that man's facing /
I'm speaking clearly but it's like it's lost in translation /
'Cause out the pavement we dried the orchids /
From the ground and blazed with these mines in orbit /
Yeah we find in Portland that kids are free, the youth /
Poetical polecs painting in an inconvinient truth /
I'm that mind sleepwalker travelling hellish dreams /
Bridging a playfull ego and a battered self esteem /
Whether it's a joke or hot /Whether it's dope or not /
You won't stop what's poppin' out of my vocal box /
It's like that"
5 kommentarer:
Synes det er fedt du er begyndt at lave disse track reviews, kan være med til at give et fint billede af kunsteren/kunstnerne uden man skal sætte sig ind i et helt album, så bliv endelig ved :)
Syntes jeg kunne genkende noget ved beatet, og efter at have tænkt lidt over det kom jeg i tanke om at det er Fashawns ''The Ecology'' det her track minder mig om.. Beatet minder utrolig meget om hinanden, hvis man fjerner den samplede vokal.. Fra 0:20 af er det meget tydeligt
@ Sami - du må meget undskylde hvis jeg tager fejl, men jeg går ikke ud fra at du har læst selve posten (?). Der står jo lige præcis følgende,
"Beatet er bygget op omkring et sample af Nina Simone's "I Can't See Nobody", som det skarpe øre vil genkende fra fx Fashawns "The Ecology"
Hilltop Hoods vinder hver gang, især albummet The Calling er jo et elskværdigt album :D
Ah, min fejl, nej jeg skimmede bare posten, havde lidt tralvt på det tidspunkt. Men så har jeg vel bare et skarpt øre ;).. Ellers tak for en fantastisk blog, dejligt med nogle der kan bringe god hiphop til os hungrende
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