fredag den 20. maj 2011

Sergio Mendes & Will.I.Am - "Loose Ends" (Track Review)

Lige siden Will.I.Am startede med at lave musik og producere beats, har Sergio Mendes været en stor indflydelse. Hans labre soul-bossanova musik har været en stor inspiration for Will.I.Am, der med nummeret "Sexy" fra Elephunk pladen, fik et - går jeg ud fra - stort ønske opfyldt; nemlig at arbejde sammen med den legendariske brasilianske pianist. Nummeret var, ja, ekstremt sexy, og uden sidestykke den bedste skæring fra dén plade. Samarbejdet resulterede i et stærkt venskab og en større ambition, om yderligere samarbejde. Dette mundede ud i Timeless pladen fra 2006, som de to lavede sammen. - En fuldstændig fænomenal skive fyldt med skøn, hiphoppet soul/bossanova/CopaCabana -stemning og sommervarme melodier.
Jeg gav den 5.5/6 da jeg anmeldte den for nogle år tilbage, og ind imellem er jeg stadig i tvivl om, om den faktisk skulle have fået fuldt hus..?

På denne herlighed af en plade, der ret beset er ét stort sommer-soundtrack, finder vi nummeret "Loose Ends", der umiddelbart kunne minde om "Where Is the Love" fra Elephunk pladen, med Justin Timberlake på omkvædet og et næsten kitchet anti-krigs buskab, om at promovere kærlighed og fællesskab. "Loose Ends" er dog flere længder bedre, da Sergio Mendes' udsøgte klaverspil besmykker stykket på lækreste vis, og selveste Pharoahe Monch bidrager med oceaner af integritet og sublim rap. I min bog bærer nummeret yderligere en af de mest suveræne outroer længe, med en glimrende klaversolo, og Justin Timberlake, der gør "et-eller-andet" med sin stemme. - Jeg har ingen idé om hvad man kalder det han laver, men det er gennemført flot, og grunden til at han er en af de bedste sangere i dag.

"Dear mom
Alana's in her second trimester /
Stressed out 'cause I'm gone, she actin' all extra /
We're happy 'cause she knows it's a girl /
But we doubtfull if we should bring another one in the world /
An' the pic you sent with you an' the kids is tha bomb /
I'm keepin' all my photos in my 23rd Psalm /
My best friend Armani lost her arm at the border /
Just tryin' to restore a little peace an' order /
An' it's strange 'cause she reads the koran /
Torn between what side she needs to be on /
Haven't slept for days, I squeeze Visine /
'Cause no man's eyes should see what I've seen /
Soldiers lost their mind, robbin', pillagin' /
Tomahawk missiles into civillian villages /
And they ease the pain with narcotics /
I'm scared but I try to remain patriotic"

My father
Forgive us 'cause we know not what we doin'
And my brothers
How we gonna tie up all these loose ends
And my mother
I try to use everything you taught me to keep it movin'
And my brothers and sisters
How we gonna tie up all these loose ends
All these loose ends

"New message from mom at /
At home they're comparin' the situation with 'Nam /
So sad you had to miss Shavonne's prom /
She sung a song off the Marvin Gay What's Goin' On album /
An' a smile lit up the room, she ask me /
If at night when she stare to the moon /
Is it possible at the same moment and time /
You're starrin' as well 'cause you two were in tune /
Your dad's purple heart now hangs over his ashes /
An' Trini's alive and wake up with hot flashes /
They say the disease's gastric /
Have yet to explain the migraines and rashes /
And have you seen what the price of gas is? /
We can't afford the property taxes /
We just want you back at home /
Where you belong with your family, you're the backbone"

My father
Forgive us for we know not what we doin'
And my brothers
How we gonna tie up all these loose ends
And my mother
I try to use everything you taught me to keep it movin'
And my brothers and sisters
How we gonna tie up all these loose ends

Tell me how can we live this way
We've gone so far astray
No one knows what to say
We got young peoples lives at stake
What is it gonna take
For us to find a way

"The world is changing, we in danger /
'Cause we ain't changing our behavior /
We behave like karma's nothing /
Ain't concerned with repercussions /
Ain't that something, check 'em out now /
Pointing fingers, when they know how /
We got to this point of terror /
Precaution could have made the road clearer /
But we stuck with mediocre /
Leadership so we'll just suffer /
Who know what the hell is going /
On with conflicts they keep on growing /
It's a fucked up situation /
When you ain't got no education /
On the problem, or know what it's about /
You gotta help me out, me out, me out"

*epic outro*

Læs anmeldelsen af pladen HER.
Hvis du ikke er stødt på denne plade før, og hvis du ikke har hørt noget fra den (undtagen "Mas Que Nada", som man ikke kan have undgået), så vil jeg næsten garantere, at sommeren 2011 vil blive en af dine bedste, med denne skive som soundtrack. Det er lidt som om, at hele verden bliver et bedre sted når Timeless er i højtalerne.
- Jeppe Barslund

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