Hold nu ferie hvor er jeg stadig oppe at køre over Blue Scholars' seneste Cinématropolis! Nye ting dukker op på pladen dagligt, og den vokser simpelthen i et fantastisk tempo. Jeg håber virkelig, at I har fået checket den ud, ellers så lov mig at i får det gjort hurtigst muligt - sommerens soundtrack fo' sho'!
Denne post bliver ikke meget længere end dette, jeg tror bare at jeg vil lade musikken tale for resten. "Fin" lukker naturligvis albummet, og nummeret er gået hen og blevet en topfavorit fra pladen. Sabzi's produktion er fra en anden verden, og Geo flyder hen over de hurtigt-købende melodier som var det, det letteste i verden. Nydelse på nydelse.
En lille ekstra ting, der gør, at jeg elsker kunstnere som Blue Scholars endnu mere, er når jeg er i tvivl om nogle lyrics, skriver en mail til dem direkte for at spørge om hjælp og får svar få timer efter, komplet med rettelser og tilføjelser. Æddermanme go' stil!
Roll the credits. The movie's over
"Yeah, and they said slow down for a minute but /
I said no rest to the finish so /
They said why you all about winnin'? /
I said because odds were so stacked against us /
That it went down and now playin' with housemoney /
The same label that ows Mos Def money, ows us /
We knew it goin' in, so what gotta see it from within /
Met alot of people, shook alot of hands /
Can't lie kinda did it for the fans /
Even more I did it for the fam /
Now I do it for the ownership of land /
I ain't talkin' 'bout a real estate man /
I'm talkin' 'bout war, agrarian reform /
Why mom's still call it back home /
Even though we been up in this bitch so long /
Uuh, I ment to say beast, my apoligies /
Any teacher suspended from the song /
And anybody that I never ment harm /
Anyone offended, you are all welcome /
You have born witness to a whole chapter /
Don't get it now you will understand after /
Ain't no America left it's all fragments /
Ain't no verses left it's all adlibs /
Ain't no A's og B's you all average /
C/see this D, get F'ed if y'all askin' /
Grades don't matter inside my classes /
I gotta go back /
Finish what I had /
To stop when I took that risk on a rap /
Right when that last cat pissed on Iraq /
Went half with my lady on lad /
I was waving that AB flag /
Still do but I'm all grown up now /
Geo not O.G. but somehow /
Young bucks now adress me as that /
I'm either getting old, maybe getting more respect /
Or a little bit of both, never letting go /
With the little I was left, until I'm out of breath /
Never let it rest, do it to the death /
Still got love from the green wooded west /
Roll credits though my credits is a mess /
Yeah I know, pop said it best /
You don't believe it, it don't matter /
Please let it breathe, so asthmatic /
You have born witness to a whole chapter /
Don't get it now you will understand after /
Ain't no America left it's all fragments /
Ain't no verses left it's all adlibs /
Ain't no A's og B's you all average /
C/see this D, get F'ed if y'all askin' /
Grades don't matter inside my classes /
I gotta go back /
Finish what I had /
So I did this, then I did that /
And this is how it felt so fuck that /
No rest for the metro bus that /
Now I'm going back to school y'all fuck rap /
Said I'm going back to school y'all fuck rap /
And there's no room left on this nutsack /
UW in this bitch, yeah I said that /
UW in this bitch, UW in this bitch /
Then I did that, and I did this /
And I kept one foot inside of business /
But never did I think I lived this /
With a pimp strut, and a shit list /
Just kidding I don't really got a shit list /
Just list of the shit I neglected /
Knowing nothing in life but the best shit /
Go quote me boy, 'cause I said shit /
You witnessed a whole chapter
But don't get it now you will understand after /
Ain't no America left it's all fragments /
Ain't no verses left it's all adlips /
Ain't no A's og B's you all average /
C/see that D, get F'ed if y'all askin' /
Grades don't matter inside my classes /
I gotta go back /
I gotta go back /
Hey!! Hey!!
Ohh!! Yo!!
I gotta go back /
UW in this biiiitch!

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