torsdag den 14. april 2016

LEFTOVERS2015 Booomerang-kampagne status: 10.000 kr,- indsamlet

Jeg har haft lidt travlt de sidste dages tid, så jeg har endnu ikke nået at løfte sløret for et nyt track fra LEFTOVERS2015, fra da vi rundede 10.000 kroner-mærket. At være nået så langt er en god ting, en virkelig god ting, så nummeret kunne denne gang ikke være andet end:

"It's A Good Thing"

Fashawn udgav sidste år den længeventede efterfølger til sin mesterlige debut Boy Meets World. Efterkommeren The Ecology var desværre en ret jævn affære, der ingenlunde formåede at nå det tårnhøje niveau som Fashawn og Exile havde fat i på debuten. Jovist, der var højdepunkter; gode øjeblikke i lyrik og musik, hvor man momentarisk blev mindet om det, der gjorde forgængeren så forbandet fantastisk. Meget var dog også overproduceret, fortænkt eller slet og ret kedeligt. Et enkelt nummer formåede dog at stige op over resten af pladens småfade indhold, ved ganske simpelt at være helt enestående i musikkens legesyge kreativitet og aldeles sublim i rap og lyrik. "It's A Good Thing" er en lodret genistreg, der som højdepunkt tårner sig op som et andet Mount Everest. Exile brillerer på beat-siden og viser med en sommerlun guitar, fingerknips, en akustisk basgang og et adækvat vokalsample, hvorfor han er en af sen-00'erne og 10'ernes absolut vigtigste beatsmede. På rap-siden har Fashawn fået besøg af to ualmindeligt veloplagte venner, i form af rapper/sanger Aloe Blacc og Dirty Science's næste rapper-satsning i Choosey.
     Tematisk set begiver de tre rappere sig ud i forskellige fortællinger om personlig struggle, og hvordan man kan finde og bevare ens "good thing" i kampens hede. Med linjer som "In an empty pursuit of profit and respect / Preoccupied, you collect more problems to neglect" retter Fashawn fokus mod det evindelige valg, som enhver succesrig kunstner konfronteres med: at jage penge og materielle goder eller at fokusere på det, der egentlig bringer lykke. Aloe Blacc får sneget adskillige sang- og albumtitler ind i sit vers, hvor han netop rapper fra det perspektiv som Fashawn præsenterede: en kunstner, der har fået gigantisk succes, men som ikke har i sinde at bruge den: "One hit wonder, while the world screaming "Wake Me Up" / but I'mma sleep just a little bit longer / Every night my daydreams get a little bit stronger". Efter at have brudt igennem med "I Need A Dollar" blev Aloe Blacc shanghajet til at synge på Avicii's gigantiske monster-hit "Wake Me Up", der gjorde ham til et household name verden rundt. Men Aloe Blacc's lykke var egentlig allerede gjort, da han var i stand til at flytte med sin gravide kone ud af LA's ghetto med pengene fra "I Need A Dollar", og nu vil han hellere lave præcis det musik han lyster, som fx "It's A Good Thing", end at være et one hit wonder, der leverer omkvæd til skråle-hits.
     Choosey får afsluttende bundet en fin sløjfe på emnet om at have en eller flere "struggles" i livet, med et optimistisk dictum om at sætte pris på de goder man har, fx med linjer som: "Top Ramen in the pot again and probably all week / Bow your head and give thanks, say grace before you eat".

"It's A Good Thing" er toptunet hygge-hiphop, hvilket der i denne potente, hårde og muskuløse genre alt alt sjældent bliver gjort plads til.

"Tell me, what means the world to you? /
Your spouse, or your house with the gorgeous view? /
Is it the sand white and the water blue? /
But your priorities are out of order, true? /
In an empty pursuit of profit and respect /
Preoccupied, you collect more problems to neglect /
Evidently a success, and obviously depressed /
But the drama, the stress, it's probably for the best /
When will we all start realizing that we are blessed? /
Excess expectations we accept /
Let's make a bet, homie /
You stay in debt, don't ya? /
You take an L while your lady takes the rest /
Enough is never enough, we want everything /
Like every baby mama want a wedding ring /
While you're stuck on this planet /
Focus on what's important /
And try to take nothing for granted"

And it's all good (You've got a good thing)
Till it goes bad, till it goes bad
And it's all good (You've got a good thing)
Till it goes bad, till it goes bad

Aloe Blacc
"What can I say? Good Things was my good thing /
Need a dollar, got a dollar, move out the hood thing /
Goodbye 12th Street and Hoover, we won't miss you /
Now sirens and gangbanging teens ain't the issue /
Papa's got a new bag to be concerning with /
Like how my piece of the pie look when the earning's split /
Season it with sugar and spice /
Cause the good things I have in my life is /
The butterfly in the belly of my wife /
Same time, make lightning strike twice /
Thunder shake me up /
One hit wonder, while the world screaming "Wake Me Up" /
But I'ma sleep just a little bit longer /
Every night my daydreams get a little bit stronger /
Every day my nightmare's worst fears subside /
Three years in the making, let me swallow some pride /
Got another good thing for ya, when you hear it /
Hopefully it's gonna lift your spirit"

And it's all good (You've got a good thing)
Till it goes bad, till it goes bad
And it's all good (You've got a good thing)
Till it goes bad, till it goes bad

"We got simple needs and complicated means /
Top Ramen in the pot again and probably all week /
Bow your head and give thanks, say grace before you eat /
A couple blocks down they pouring gravy on they feast /
I had a complex about my family tree /
My apartment complex full of convicts and fiends /
Drug dealing, gunfire right across the street /
We stuck inside the crib, drop and duck when them guns  ring /
We're dysfunctional, fussing over dumb things /
Mom and Pops fighting really just because we /
Ain't have the funds to be spendin' it on drugs, he /
Ended up in county, we ain't seen him in a month, see? /
I used to dwell on that until I felt bad /
Took a look around and felt blessed to understand that /
We ain't had the wealth, still we had a present Dad /
Through the struggle, that's a good thing to have"

And it's all good (You've got a good thing)
Till it goes bad, till it goes bad
And it's all good (You've got a good thing)
Till it goes bad, till it goes bad

Outro, Exile
Fashawn got a good thing, hey
Aloe Blacc got a good thing, hey
Choosey got a good thing, hey
Exile got a good thing, hey
Bear Gang in the house and you don't stop
Dirty Science in the house and we don't quit
Blu in the place, you don't stop
Co$$ Dollars
Johaz in the house
Adidas Cool, yo we gotta be the ultimate

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